Encampment Information
Encampment Information
What is Encampment?
Encampment is a week-long, life changing activity in partnership with the United States Air Force to teach young cadets leadership skills and resiliency. Most encampments occur in the summer, but there are some offered over the winter break from school. Encampments are a prerequisite that allows a cadet to attend a National Cadet Special Activity (NCSA). This enjoyable and intense week is packed with:
- Advanced Drill and Ceremony Training
- Aerospace Workshops
- Classroom and Hands-On Leadership Development
- Physical Training
- Orientation Flights with Air Force and Civil Air Patrol aircraft
- Connections to Build yourself and your unit better!
Civil Air Patrol/Air Force Introduction to New York Wing's Encampment Video
2019 New York Wing Encampment Video
This link will bring you to the New York Wing Encampment homepage, available here!
Financial Assistance for Encampment
Help with tuition and uniform expenses is available. Please see the Cadet Encampment Assistance Program page. CEAP opens on 1 March for Summer Encampments and 1 November for Winter Encampments. CEAP closes about 30 days prior to the start of the encampment.